- News
- Update
- Updates and Patches (May 28, 2015)
- Hello KalOnline Players,
We appreciate your continued interest of KalOnline.
We will be doing Regular Server Maintenance on May 28, 2015.
The Regular Server Maintenance
Hours : 09:40 ~ 11:40 (KST/GMT+9)
Server : Hanin and Naraeha
It is the last Thursday of this month. Web server will be also checked at the same time. KalOnline website can be deactivated as well.
1. Whenever players transform into the ancient animal after using the Mask of Thief, an error has been showed up.
- The error that players being able to attack the opponents who are in the safety zone by using Ancient Animals Skills has been fixed.
2. Event for E-Mok Island!
- Every players visiting E-Mok Island will be given free remaining time for double under their level.
Thanks for playing KalOnline,
KalOnline Team.