• News
  • Update     
    • Updates and Patches (May. 23 2024)
    • 05-22-2024
    • Hello Kalonline Players,

      We appreciate your continued interest of Kalonline.
      We will be doing Regular Server Maintenance on May 23th 2024

      The Regular Server Maintenance

      Hours : 09:40 ~ 11:40 (KST/GMT+9)

      * Details *

      1) Improved Game UI
      - Failure probability has been added in the Talisman of expert UI.
      - The issue of quest goal text overlapping on the world map is improved.
      - An issue where the 2nd channel guild mark was not displayed intermittently has been improved.

      2) Improved Item drop
      - When hunting in different areas while in a party, the issue where items were not dropped for low level characters has been improved.

      3) Fixed the disappearance of some character effects

      4) May Dark Cube update
      - Please check the promotion page for more details.

      * Please note that intermittent web page access may not be possible during regular maintenance (09:40 ~ 11:40)(KST/GMT+9).

      Please refer to the above to avoid any inconvenience in using the game.

      Thanks for playing Kalonline.