• News
  • Update     
    • Updates and Patches (July. 25 2024)
    • 07-24-2024
    • Hello Kalonline Players,

      We appreciate your continued interest of Kalonline.
      We will be doing Regular Server Maintenance on July 25th 2024

      The Regular Server Maintenance

      Hours : 09:40 ~ 11:40 (KST/GMT+9)

      * Details *

      1) Improved Private Shop Search System
      - The Private Shop Search command usage method has been improved.
      - When you enter /Ifs [Item name] in the chat window, the color of the Private Shop Title selling the searched item in the surrounding stalls will change.
      EX) When you enter /Ifs Dark, the Private Shop Title color will change even if the Private Shop Title does not include Dark.

      2) Improved Chat Command
      - A chat command help button is added to the chat window.
      - When you click on a command to use in chat command help, it is automatically registered in the chat window.
      - Please check the chat command powerbook for more details.

      3) Improved Shaman Skill Balance
      [Hereditary Shaman]
      - Mental Breakdown
      : Applies a curse that reduces attack power within range to up to 10 enemies. This skill can be used while Soul is summoned.

      [Exclusive Shaman]
      - Amplification of Blood
      : Deals damage to the target and all nearby enemies.

      [Shamans 3rd Jobs Common]
      - Added new Liberation skills.
      : Removes stun, Entangling, Mental Breakdown, and curse effects from the selected ally and nearby allies and nearby allies.
      : Additionally, they will be immune to these effects for the duration. Also restores health. (As the skill level increases, the duration and HP recovery rate increase.)

      [Rising Shaman of God]
      - Six Souls
      : Using the power of the soul, deals damage to the target and nearby enemies.

      - Deadmans Hand
      : Hands of the dead rise from the ground, dealing dark attribute damage to enemies. Applies a critical rate reduction effect to characters and an attack power reduction effect to monsters.

      - Doggebi
      : Summoned Ddoggebi attack to enemy at the moment. Applying a stun effect to monsters and reducing PvP attack power for characters.

      [Sprit Shaman of God]
      - Soul Blow
      : Strikes the target and nearby enemies with souls, dealing damage

      - Deadmans Hand
      : Hands of the dead rise from the ground, dealing dark attribute damage to enemies. Applies a critical damage reduction effect to characters and an attack power reduction effect to monsters.

      - 4th Rising King
      : Borrows the power of 4th Rising King to deal damage to the target and nearby enemies, applying a stun effect to monsters and reducing PvP attack power for characters.

      4) Improved Party Infinite Tower System
      - The amount of experience gained from Party Infinite Tower has been reduced for in game balance.

      5) Changed Items stacking
      - Key and Lock item is changed to stack.

      6) July Dark Cube update
      - Please check the promotion page for more details.

      * Please note that intermittent web page access may not be possible during regular maintenance (09:40 ~ 11:40)(KST/GMT+9).

      Please refer to the above to avoid any inconvenience in using the game.

      Thanks for playing Kalonline.