- News
- Update
- Updates and Patches (Apr. 28 2016) (modified)
- Hello Kalonline Players,
We appreciate your continued interest of Kalonline.
We will be doing Regular Server Maintenance on Apr. 28th, 2016
The Regular Server Maintenance
Hours : 09:40 ~ 12:20 (KST/GMT+9)
Server : Hanin and Naraeha
1) Riding System add
- The Riding System is added.
(1) Riding animal can be purchased by zamogeon and reward point, jewel.
(2) Riding animal NPG is located in Temporary Fort of Geum-Ohee Castle.
(3) When used Riding Animal, you cannot skills and hunting.
(4) When used Riding Animal, you cannot use Magic Scroll and Teleport Scroll.
2) Run Horse Run! Event start.
- When all characters connected to the game, only once Riding animal (1 Day) item will be obtained to mail.
- Screenshot with Horse Event start.
3) Exp buff Event start.
- Exp +50% Event start in Apr. 28th, 2016 ~ May. 4th, 2016 everyday AM 00:00 ~ AM 04:00 (KST).
4) Apr. 21th, 2016 server maintenance delay rewards payments.
- Hanin and Naraeha server all characters to Stone of EXP - 1 day (Bound) items payments.
- The unused Stone of EXP - 1 day (Bound) items will be deleted in the Jun, 2nd 2016.
Thanks for playing Kalonline,
Kalonline Team.