The first Korean fantasy

PVP-Destructing Key Points

Destructing Key Points

Destructing Key Points is one of the scenarios, this PVP content that protects the key points of your allies and destroys the key points of the enemy.
The cost of applying for scenario participation is 30,000 geon, and it cannot be refunded even if you are not match.
The minimum number of participants for the scenario is min 6 - max 80.
When applying for scenario, if there are less than 10 guild members, you will be abstention.
All guilds that have applied for a scenario will be matched, and if matching fails due to lack of opponents, you will not be able to receive a reward.

Pic1. Location of Blue Doggebi that Supports to Register

Progressing Instruction

1. Battle Progressing Time

Division Destructing Key Points
Guild Registration MON 23:00 ~ TUE 00:00
Guild matching announced TUE 00:00 ~ 00:10
Member Registration TUE 00:10 ~ 00:50
Battle time TUE 01:00 ~ 02:00

Pic 2. Battleground

2. How to guild & members registration

It can apply for participation and register members through the "Blue Doggebi" NPC located at the entrance of the Doggebi Tower.
Participation and member registration can be done by the guild master or sub-master.

3. Guild Matching Method

Grade Standard
Champion 1 ~ 10 Rank
Master 11 ~ 20 Rank
Veteran 21 ~ 30 Rank
Beginner 31 Rank Below

Guild matching in Destructing Key Points is based on guild grade.
Matching is random between guilds of the same grade, and when there is no match in the same grade, a match is made with a lower grade.
Guilds that are not registered in the guild ranking (0 activity points) are matched with guilds that are not registered in the guild ranking.

4. Members summons

Characters registered in the participant list will be automatically summoned 5 minutes before the match starts and moved to the waiting area.

5. Battle Progressing

In the center of the Battle area, there’s the Great Tower, the Big Tower is on the each team’s side, and the Small Towers are on the various places.
White Tiger’s towers are in red and Blue Dragon’s towers are in blue.
Both team must protect their tower from enemy’s attack and destroy the enemy’s towers.
Following picture is showing the image of the battle.

Pic 3. Battle Image

Processing Instruction

1) After starting, you can move to the battle area through the Doggebi NPC located in each camp.
2) Magic Scrolls, Saving Scrolls of Location, and Moving Scrolls of Location cannot be used in the battle area.
3) You cannot trade with enemies or party members in the battle area, and you cannot use buff skills.
4) If you die in the battle area, you will automatically move to the safe zone after 30 seconds, and you can be revived with the scroll of rebirth or skills. (No death penalty)
5) Towers can be upgraded with items, and cannot be upgraded if they are under attack.
- Upgraded Tower has higher health, and you can earn extra points by destroying Upgraded Tower.
- Upgrade items can be purchased from the Weapon Artisan NPC in Village of Narootuh.
6) Only enemy towers can be attacked, and the Giant Tower must be unsealed before anyone can attack it. The team that deals the most damage to the Giant Tower wins points.
7) Each tower has different attack conditions and the points that can be obtained are also different.

Kind of Tower Condition of Attack Points
Towers on the Left side of Friendly Force’s Base Possible 2 Points for each Tower
Towers on the Right side of Friendly Force’s Base If one the towers on the left side is destroyed 2 Points for each Tower
Towers on the Center If one the towers on the right side is destroyed 5 Points
Giant Tower If 4 or more of small towers are destroyed 3 Points
Upgraded Tower   Normal Points + 1

- Points will be added right after the tower is destroyed and the score will be displayed on the screen. At the end, one team that destroys the towers most will be the winner. If the score is tied, the winner is decided by destroying the Giant Tower.

5. Reward

If you kill an enemy character while Destructing Key Points, you can earn 30 points per kill, and you can earn up to 3,500 points.
When destroy a tower in Destructing Key Points, earn honor points.
However, the honor points earned for kill points vary depending on the character class.
When you win/lose/draw in Destructing Key Points, the rewards are paid out as follows. If you do not obtain a certain amount of activity points, the win/lose reward will not be paid out.

List Honor point etc.
Winner 3,000  
Loser 200  
Withdraw 1,500  
Killing Opponent character 30x(Class + 1) Max. 3,500
Small Tower 300 Personal Reward
Giant Tower 800 Personal Reward
Center Tower 500 Personal Reward

You can earn additional rewards based on your activity contribution in Destructing Key Points.
Activity contribution accumulates activity points based on killing enemies, supporting friendly battles, skill use, key points destroy, etc.

Reward Contents Maximum
Enemy Kills 3,500
Activity Points 3,000

Value 6 7 8 9 10
Class Lieutenant Captain Major Colonel General