The first Korean fantasy

Life - Gold Bank


A place which KalOnline players can issue and deposit Gold bars at, also, gain interests by deposit Gold bars.
- Exchange 100 Gold coins to a Gold bar. (Every Gold bar has its own issue number)
- Offer a place to keep Gold bars.
- Pay interests to players for kept Gold bars.


NPC [Gold Manager] Service Location
- Issues Gold bars
- Keeps Gold bars
- Pays interests
- [Kumchoen] in Village of Narootuh
- [Kumgang] in Temporary Fort of Gaum-Ohee castle
- [Kumghae] in City of Priest

How to use

1. Items

Image Description Note

Gold bar
- Players can issue a Gold bar from [Gold Manager] (1 Gold bar = 100 Gold coins)
- Interest accrues to every deposited Gold bar daily.
- Every Gold bar has its own issue number(e.g. 12345678)
- Value 100,000,000Geon when sell it to NPC
-Costs 10,000Geon to issue a gold bar.
-Gold bars will be used for soon-to-be updated game contents.

Gold coin
- Value 1,000,000Geon when sell it to NPC
- Can be only obtained from Treasure Box

2. How to use

- A Gold bar will be issued when players completed a repeat quest collecting 100 gold coins.
- 1,000Geon fee will be charged for withdrawal of Gold bar or accrued interests.
- When players have Geon in inventory less than fee(1,000Geon), withdrawal will be unavailable.
- 5 open slots can be used to deposit Gold bars for free and 15 more slots available for open fee   (100~300Geon each).

3. Interests

- Interest for Gold bar accrues EVERYDAY.
  (Gold bar has to stay in Gold Bank until Tursday maintenance)
- Interest accruable Period: 11:00am ~ 11:00am following day (KST/GMT + 9)
- Gained interest for 7days will be paid to your Gold Bank account on a week after maintenance day.
- Interest won’t be paid if players withdraw Gold bars before maintenance.
- Rate of interest will be applied depends on total amount of Geon in server.
- Using extra slots gives players extra interest. (e.g: Daily interest + 100~300Geon per slot)
- Payable interest can accrue up to 100,000,000Geon in Gold Bank.