The first Korean fantasy

PVP-Duel Tournament

Duel Tournament

What is Duel Tournament?

You can fight (1:1, 3:3, 6:6) with other players in Duel Tournament. By this tournament, players can grow their strategy of fight and have fun. Plus, you can get honor points as well.


How Duel Tournament is proceeded.

Order of Duel Tournament

Register to Duel Tournament

You can register to participate by NPC (1:1 / 3:3 / 6:6).
1:1 is only possible with similar level (if your level is not appropriate, you can not register)

Type Level Beginning time Remark
1:1 50~79 Sunday 23:00
Starts at 1:1 Arena
80~99 Monday 0:00
100 Above Monday 1:00
3:3 50 Above Monday 2:00 Starts at 3:3 Arena
6:6 50 Above Monday 2:00 Starts at 6:6 Arena

One character may not register for more than one type of duel.
Available Time for Register : Monday 5:00 ~ Sunday 5:00You may not cancel after registration.
You have to be level 50 or above to register.
Registration is limited to 100 players.
Penalty for ParticipationYou will be restricted to participate once when you have won more than 5 times (above number 2).

Registration Fee

Registration Fee
Type Level
1 : 1 50~79 5,000 geons
80~99 6,000 geons
50 Above 7,000 geons
3 : 3 10,000 geons per player
6 : 6 10,000 geons per player

Registration fee is not refundable even if you are not selected.


- NPC will randomly select characters for tournament among registered participants.
- If you have gone up to final round, you will be automatically selected for the next selection but not ones who have won more than 5 times.(only for 1:1)
※ Duel will not be proceeded and will automatically end when number of registered players are insufficient.
※ If your opponent does not show up for the duel after start of the fight, you will automatically win by default.

Section Min. # of participants Total # of participants Remark
1vs1 16 players 32 players Start from Round of 16
3vs3 5 teams 8 teams
Start from Quarter Final
6vs6 5 teams 8 teams Start from Quarter Final

- You can see other selected participants 1hr. before the tournament begins.
- You can see other selected participants 1hr. before the tournament begins.

The rule of 1:1 Duel Tournament

In case that the minimum registration of 1:1 Duel Tournament doesn't meet 16 persons, honor/reward point will be given with no Duel Tournament as follows.
If 8~15 users register, 1st ranker's honor/reward points will be equally divided and given to each registered user.
If 0~7 users register, no honor/reward point will be given.

Section Above 100 80~99 50~79 Etc
8 players 613 525 438 Each players
will get the
9 players 544 467 389
10 players 490 420 350
11 players 445 382 318
12 players 408 350 292
13 players 377 323 269
14 players 350 300 250
15 players 327 280 233

Move to Arena

Selected players will be summoned to the Arena before the tournament begins.
※ Spectators can move to the arenas by talking with NPC.

Reference 1.

Reference 2.

Reference 3.
Summoned players will wait for moment at the waiting room and the tournament will begin.

Duel begins

Once the duel begins individual or team that gets more points for 5 minutes wins.

How to get points.

Section Point Remark
Killing opponent +10 .
Dead by opponent -3 .

Remaining time and earned points are displayed on the center of the screen.
Duel ends
After 5 minutes, individual or team that earns more points wins.
If you win, you get honor points.


Rewards for 1:1 Fight

Winner Above 100 80~99 50~79 Remark
1st place
4900 4200 3500 Each players
will get the
2nd place
2450 2100 1750
3rd ~ 4th
1225 1050 875
5th ~8th
490 420 350
9th ~16th
245 210 175
17th and Below 182 156 130

Rewards for 3 :3 Fight

Winner Honor points Remark
1st place
Each members of team will get points in team fight
2nd place
3rd ~ 4th
5th ~8th

Rewards for 6 :6 Fight

Winner Honor points Remark
1st place
Each members of team will get points in team fight
2nd place
3rd ~ 4th
5th ~8th

Rewards will be paid out after all duels (tournaments) have ended.

You can earn additional rewards based on your activity contribution in Duel Tournament. Activity contribution accumulates activity points based on killing enemies, skill use, number of wins etc.

Reward Contents Maximum
Activity Points 3,000