The first Korean fantasy

Riding System

Riding System

- Use the Riding system, you can move faster.

Riding Animal Item list

Images Name Description
Horse This item can purchase of the zamogeon to the NPC.
A wild battle horse This item can purchase of the zamogeon to the NPC.
You can fight when you ride on horse.
Black Horse This item can purchase of the Reward point to the NPC.
An assault captain's battle horse This item can purchase of the Reward point to the NPC.
You can fight when you ride on horse.

Riding Animal Merchant NPC

NPG is located in Temporary Fort of Geum-Ohee Castle.
John: By using zamogeon, you can purchase the "Horse" and "A wild battle horse" items.
Charles: By using Reward point, you can purchase the "Horse" and "An assault captain's battle horse" items.
[Battle Horse manager] Edmund: You can purchase 'Premium Battle Horse (A brave captain's battle horse') by Jewel.

Ride UI

Riding Inventory

- You can activate the Ride UI via the shortcut key E.
- Ride is divided into [Battle ride] and [Common ride].

Equipped a Riging Item

When you click a right-click of mouse, you can equip or release a riding item.

- After you registered a riding item, you can press 'R' button(shortcut key) to riding on/off easily.

Restriction Equipped a Riging Item

- When you are fishing and mining, you cannot equip a riding item.
- When you attack a monster, riding animal will be riding off automatically.
- When a battle starts, you will be riding off automatically.