The first Korean fantasy


What’s Honor System?

- Honor System is can participate from Lv.50.
- For proving the abilities in the Battle Area and get reward for your efforts.

Steps of the Honor System

- Following steps are performed weekly.

Getting Honor Points

You only can get the honor points in the Battle Area and there’re 3 ways of doing it.
- When you kill an enemy
- Depending on the battlefield victory or defeat
- When you earn a certain amount of activity points in the battlefield
Since the battlefield is the goal, honor points are distributed to all members when you kill an enemy or win the battlefield.
When you earn a certain amount of activity points in Battle, you will receive a personal reward based on the points earned.

1. When you kill an enemy
- You can earn honor points when you kill an enemy through battle in PVP content.
You can earn rewards based on the rank of the enemy you killed, and each content has a maximum number of points that can be earned.

2. Battlefield victory/loss rewards
- You can earn a certain amount of honor points each time you win/defeat/draw in the battlefield.

3. When you earn a certain amount of activity points in the battlefield
- You can earn activity points by actively participating in battles in all battlefields, such as participating in content, killing enemies, skill use and supporting friendly battles.

You can additionally earn personal rewards based on the activity points you earn.

Reward for Honor Points

-You may get various advantages in Kalonline with the Reward Points that can be earned like the honor points from the Battle Area.
-Sometimes you need to reach at certain class for some rewards and honor points won’t be reduced when getting rewarded. Only the reward points will be reduced.

Honor coupon

-This is a coupon that allows you to obtain honor reward points through battles or events.
-When you use a coupon, your honor points will not increase, but you can obtain honor reward points.

Getting Honor Points

- Rewards you can get with Honor System

Rewards Class
Shield Shield of Grade 55
Ancient Accessory Rings and Protection Talismans with +3 of 2 status of character. But it can not be enchanted.
Hermit’s Accessory Rings and Protection Talismans that can be enchanted up to +7 with 1 status.
Skill Book You can learn new skills with this book. Just talk to the NPC with this book to learn new skills.
Transportation You may move faster than running with transportation.

※ The date of update of Rewards and Points will be announced later and more rewards can be added.

Honor Information

You may check your honor points and reward points from honor window by pressing ‘V’. It’ll display the information of your class, honor points, reward points, and etc.