The first Korean fantasy


Friend Registration System

You can add friend and send Mails through Kal online system. You can check if your friend is online or send presents and parcel as well.
 - Mail : Your friend does not have to be online.
 - Present : You can attach items in your Mail.
 - Parcel : You can attach items in your Mail and ask for Zamogeon later on.

Method and Effect

Friend registration
- On a window of skill, you can click on ‘Add Friend’ icon or you can press ‘F’ Key.
- Friend Registration: you can add your friends to 30 and see if they are online or not. Logged on friends
 will appear with white I.D and others will show as grey. (Key: /registerfriend character name)
- You can delete list of your friend by using deleting key (Key: /deletefriend character name)


1) Send
- You can select your friends from your list and send Mails to all of them at once.
- There is a transaction fee of sending Mails and 5 geons will be used. You will be able to write 100 letters.

2) Attaching Items
- You can attach items in your Mail and send them to your friends or ask for geons and sell it as well.
- Transaction fee of sending item is 100 geons (Mail fee is included)

3) Receiving
- You can double click on Mail from your Mail list and read. You can save 100 Mails you receive and will not be able to send your Mail to your friend who has 100 Mails saved in their Mail box.
※ In your received Mail box, you can save up to 50 Mails and if you were to open Mails that arrived after these, you will have to delete your previous Mails and re-open your Mail box.

4) Receiving Items
- You can click on the Mail that are distinguished as gift or parcel from your Mail box and receive items.
- When parcel is arrived, automatically requested fee will be asked as you open the Mail.
※ please check the price of parcel and open only when you wish to receive the item.

5) Returning Mail
- If you don’t wish to purchase the item, you may click on ‘return’ button and send back to a seller.

6) Automatic deletion

kinds Status Return and deletion
Mail Waiting Automatically deletes after 30 days
Checked Automatically deletes after 1 hour
(asking for the price)
Waiting Automatically returns after 1 hour
Checked Automatically returns after 1 hour
Gift Waiting Automatically returns after 2 days
Checked Automatically returns after 1 hour
※ All returned Mails will be hold and waiting in the [received Mail box].
※ There are prior Mails that you need to check and they will show different colors.
    Red : these are deleted automatically in 24 hours.
    White : These are automatically returned in 24 hours.
    Grey : These will not be deleted or returned.