Monster- Lv1~29
Low Classes Demon

They don't have choice to act; they are more like slaves.
Their main works are making weapons, being spearheads in the battle, and helping the mother demon's parturition.
Demon Vulgar (Lv 1) -
Demon Scout (Lv 2) Wild Small Demon (Lv 6)
Demon Spearhead (Lv 3) Wild Demon Spearhead (Lv 7) -
Demon Plunderer (Lv 4) Wild Demon Plunderer (Lv 12) -
Wild Small Demon (Lv 5) -
Wild Demon Escort Soldier(Lv 8) Wild Demon Escort Soldier (Lv 15) -
Wild Demon Escort Archer (Lv 8) Wild Demon Escort Archer (Lv 15) -
Demon Scout Commander (Lv 9) -
Wild Suicide Bomber (Lv 10) Wild Suicide Bomber (Lv 13)