Demon Crack Troop

The demons of Ban-Go have more powerful body than human and normal people can't even regist their power.
They are in the class organization by the strength; lower classes obey the upper classes.
born in another world and they move th the current world.
They are born from the host called 'Mother'.
Demons are born from The Mother and put the instinct of conquest, murder, and destruction to their branins.
It's the true character of demons.
Demon Crack Soldier (Lv 54)
Chief of Demon Crack Troop (Lv 54)
Monster of Demon Crack Troop (Lv 54)
White Beast of Demon Crack Troop (Lv 57)
Blue Beast of Demon Crack Troop (Lv 57)
Punitive Force of Demon Crack Troop (Lv 58)