The first Korean fantasy

Item Enhancement - Talisman

Classification and Efficacy of Talisman

* Use prefix talisman to enchant item that is already enchanted.
* But, if the item that is already enchanted is enchanted, the item get new efficacy of prefix.
* There's probability of fail for enchanting and when it fails. the duration of item goes down by 5.
* Be careful, if the enchanting tries on an item with duration of 5 or lower, the item can be destroyed.
※ Ascending Level : A system that making weapon, armor, etc to increase its level.

Prefix Name Efficacy
Forced Strength 1
Unlawful Strength 2
Harsh Strength 3
Strong Man's Strength 4
Strongest Man's Strength 5
Melee's Strength 6
Bloody Fight's Strength 7
Slaughterous Strength 8
Barbaric Strength 9
Invincible Strength 10
Red Strength 11
STR's Strength 15
Sawblade Strength 20
Blood Strength 23
Storm Power Strength 30
Healthy Health 1
Vigorous Health 2
Heroic Health 3
Vital Health 4
Ablaze Health 5
Iron leg's Health 6
Steel's Health 7
limitable Health 8
Infinitely Health 9
Diamond Health 10
Fictional Intelligence 1
Sharp Intelligence 2
Keen Intelligence 3
Ordinary Intelligence 4
Wise Intelligence 5
Mystic Intelligence 6
Worshipful Intelligence 7
Sublime Intelligence 8
Pure Intelligence 9
Absolute Intelligence 10
Azure Intelligence 11
INT's Intelligence 15
Superior Intelligence 20
Excellent Intelligence 23
Storm Intelligence Intelligence 30
Fixed Wisdom 1
Confirmatory Wisdom 2
Celebrated Wisdom 3
Dignified Wisdom 4
Merciful Wisdom 5
Predictive Wisdom 6
Foreseeable Wisdom 7
War Leader's Wisdom 8
Reverent Wisdom 9
Paradoxical Wisdom 10
Agile Agility 1
Reflective Agility 2
Instant Agility 3
Flexible Agility 4
Dashy Agility 5
Rush Agility 6
Fierce Agility 7
Flashy Agility 8
Unlimited Agility 9
Gliding Agility 10
Heavy Blow's Min Max Attack 0~4
The Powerful Min Max Attack 2~2
Explosive Min Max Attack 0~6
Fierce Min Max Attack 3~3
Exterminated Min Max Attack 0~8
Feathery Agility 1 Health 2
Man's Strength 1 Health 2
Extreme Min Max Attack 0~12
Destructive Min Max Attack 0~14
Fundamental Min Max Magic Attack 0~4
Powerful Min Max Magic Attack 2~2
Mighty Min Max Magic Attack 0~6
Considerable Min Max Magic Attack 3~3
Cruel Min Max Magic Attack 0~8
Tough Defense 8
Invulnerable Defense 23
Impregnable Defense 25
Wisdom's Intelligence 1 Health 2
High Class' Min Max Magic Attack 0~12
Absoluteness' Min Max Magic Attack 0~14
Wandering Knight’s Strength 1, Agility 1, Health 1, Min Max Attack 0~1
Veteran Knight’s Strength 2, Agility 1, Health 2, Min Max Attack 1~2
Strong Knight’s Strength 3, Agility 2, Health 2, Min Max Attack 2~3, HP 50
Expert Knight’s Strength 4, Agility 3, Health 3, Min Max Attack 2~5, HP 75, MP 25
Wandering Archer’s Strength 1, Agility 1, Wisdom 1, Min Max Attack 0~1
Veteran Archer’s Strength 2, Agility 2, Health 1, Min Max Attack 1~2
Skillful Archer’s Strength 2, Agility 3, Health 2, Min Max Attack 2~3, HP 50
Expert Archer’s Strength 3, Agility 4, Health 3, Min Max Attack 2~5, HP 75, MP 25
Beginning Scholar’s Agility 1, Intelligence 1, Wisdom 1, Min Max Magic Attack 0~1
Veteran Scholar’s Agility 1, Intelligence 2, Wisdom 2, Min Max Magic Attack 1~2
Skillful Scholar’s Agility 2 Intelligence 3 Wisdom 2 Min Max Magic Attack 2 3 MP 50
Expert Scholar’s Agility 3 Intelligence 4 Wisdom 3 Min Max Magic Attack 2 5 HP 50 MP 50
Distinct Agility 2 Intelligence 3 Health 2 Wisdom 5 Defense 2 HP 90 MP 110
Steely Strength 2 Agility 3 Health 5 Wisdom 2 Defense 5 HP 150
Breakthrough's Strength 5 Agility 3 Health 2 Wisdom 2 Hit 1 HP 100 MP 100
Despotic Strength 2 Health 1 Hit 1
Revenge's Agility 2 Wisdom 1 Hit 1
Prideful Agility 1 Health 2 Defense 1 HP 60
Ruinous Intelligence 2 Health 1 Defense 2 MP 30
Glorious Agility 1 Wisdom 2 Defense 2 MP 30
Decisional Strength 3 Agility 5 Health 2 Wisdom 2 Defense 2 HP 120 MP 80
Magical Power's Agility 2 Intelligence 5 Health 2 Wisdom 3 Defense 2 HP 50 MP 150
Legendary Strength 5 Agility 5 Intelligence 5 Health 5 Wisdom 5 Defense 5 HP 75 MP 75
Rash Defense 3 HP 360
The King, GuhBalHan's Strength 6 Agility 6 Intelligence 6 Health 6 Wisdom 6 Defense 5 HP 100 MP 80
Fire[Royal] Resistfire 8
Fire[Small] Resistfire 3
Lightning[Royal] Resistlitning 8
Lightning[Small] Resistlitning 3
Ice[Royal] Resistice 8
Ice[Small] Resistice 3
Resist[Royal] Resistpalsy 8
Resist[Small] Resistpalsy 3
Curse[Royal] Resistcurse 8
Curse[Small] Resistcurse 3
Fighting Spirit Strength 10 Agility 5 Health 10 Min Max Attack 68 92 HP 350 MP 50
Passion Strength 10 Agility 5 Health 10 Min Max Attack 68 92 HP 350 MP 50
Intelligence Intelligence 10 Health 10 Wisdom 5 Min Max Magic Attack 68 92 HP 350 MP 50
Honor Strength 5 Health 5 Defense 10 HP 400 MP 50
General Strength 5 Health 5 Absorption 1 HP 400 MP 50
Savagery Strength 10 Hit 1 HP 400 MP 50
Unite Strength 5 Health 5 Defense 10 HP 400 MP 50
Admiral Strength 5 Health 5 Absorption 1 HP 400 MP 50
Flash Strength 10 Hit 1 HP 400 MP 50
Goodwill Intelligence 5 Health 5 Defense 10 HP 400 MP 50
Sage Intelligence 5 Health 5 Absorption 1 HP 400 MP 50
Purity Intelligence 10 Dodge 1 HP 400 MP 50
General's Strength 10 Agility 10 Intelligence 10 Health 10 Wisdom 10 Min Max Attack 360 480 Hit 5 HP 1100 MP 100
Sage's Strength 10 Agility 10 Intelligence 10 Health 10 Wisdom 10 Min Max Magic Attack 360 480 Hit 5 HP 1100 MP 100
Admiral's Strength 10 Agility 10 Intelligence 10 Health 10 Wisdom 10 Min Max Attack 210 290 Hit 5 HP 2000 MP 100
Staff's Strength 10 Agility 10 Intelligence 10 Health 10 Wisdom 10 Min Max Magic Attack 210 290 Hit 5 HP 2000 MP 100