Area-Tower of D’evah
About entrance 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah

- The entrance 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah can enter through entrance of 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah in the rightmost crossroad 1st Floor of Tower of D'evah
- If you can click entrance of 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah, you can enter 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah.
- The 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah can be entered without any qualification.
About 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah
- The structure is same with 1st Floor of Tower of D'evah.
- According to the room size is different appearance of monster.
- The monster in 2nd Floor of Tower of D'evah has 1 or 2 types Demon Gong attribute.
- You can get highest grade weapons, armors, the upper stone of Demon Gong and etc.
"Elite Dungeon Warriors" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
"Elite Dungeon Shield Soldiers" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite Dungeon Warriors show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
"Elite Dungeon Scout Soldiers" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
"Elite Dungeon Dungeon Troopers" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
"Elite Dungeon Dungeon Guards" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
"Elite Dungeon Shock Troopers" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well. -
They are know not just for the strong power, but they are kwown to be the monsters that got produced in large quantities. Plus, their role in Dungeon Corps are Hard-core units.
"Elite Dungeon Ax Soldiers" show up at the 2F of Tower of D’evah occasionally.
Elite monsters have superior abilities compared to ordinary monsters. Of course, they have higher drop rate of item compared to the ordinary monsters as well.